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Stafford Archers Outdoor Colour Scheme


The colours scheme is to give archers a structured development to their ability to shoot over longer distances. i.e. demonstrate ability over one distance before attempting the next longer distance.


When an archer is attempting a distance that is well beyond their capability, a lot of time is wasted looking for arrows in the grass.


To earn a colour, the archer must submit TWO scores at the required level as indicated on the table. As recognition of achieving the colour, the archer is presented the appropriate colour tag. The previous colour tag must be handed back.


They are distinguished by the bow type printed name and outdoor colours have a sun motif.

It is a requirement that an archer must have a colour awarded for a shorter distance before attempting to shoot at the next longer distance. (Except for Purple which can be shot without a Gold cord)


All new archers must start at the shortest distance i.e. White colour.


The rounds are as follows

Screenshot 2022-10-25 at 21.05.05.png

Some rounds are 5 zone i.e. 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 working outwards from the gold.


Some rounds are 10 zone i.e. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 working outwards from the centre gold.

  • What if I fail to achieve the required score?
    All scores must be handed to the Records Officer as they all contribute to handicap and classification. When you have achieved the two scores required for the colour, then alert the Colours Administrator.
  • Do I have to use the prescribed score sheet?
    No, you can score on any sheet, iPad, IPhone, ... etc. and then submit your score via or the website form.
  • What does 30 + 20 mean?
    All rounds but the WA 70 round are shot over two distances and these are the two distances in yards or metres e.g. 30 yds and 20 yds for the White colour.
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